Northern Potter students in grades 7 through 12 can participate in Soccer, Cross Country, Volleyball, Football, Basketball, Cheerleading, Baseball, Softball, Track and Field, and Trap Shooting. For some of these sports, our district co-ops with other schools.
Please use the following link to view our sports schedule. The directions to navigate the schedule are found below the link.

Headwaters FFA invites students in grades 7-12 to join their organization. Learn more about Headwaters FFA by visiting their Facebook.
Music Department
Our music department offers chorus to students in grades 4-12 and band to students in grades 5-12. Learn more about our music department here.

National Honor Society
Coming soon
Children's School Student Government
Coming soon

Middle & High School Student Council
The Northern Potter Student Council is a student led organization that is made up of students from grades 7 through 12. Student Council is in charge of school pride and community service such as setting up events like homecoming, spirit weeks, window painting, and food drives just to name a few. Any student that wishes to join may do so by attending meetings and participating in school wide events. Go Panthers!